Ancillary science 프로포잘 in AS2 -- 박창범 2007-04-19

Kjhan (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2013년 4월 3일 (수) 05:15 판

2007-04-19 03:11:49


현재 Sloan 팀에서는 SDSS가 끝나는 2008년 이후에 수행할 후속 탐사를 기획하고 있습니다. 주 서베이 이외에 수행할 서베이 제안을 받고 있습니다. 첨부 파일은 제가 보낸 프로포잘입니다. 아래는 스트라우스의 공지 편지입니다.

Hello all, I wanted to summarize the response I have received to my call for ideas for ancillary targetting to the core AS2 science programs. Most of these ideas would be auxiliary targets to the BOSS program, and there may be fibers for up to 30 targets per square degree. The detailed program will be decided by the AS2 management committee. For them to make their decision, we need documents describing the following for each category of auxiliary target:

-A detailed scientific case: why this project is scientifically compelling. One to two pages would be appropriate here.

-Target selection details. How are the targets selected? Can the targets be selected right now, using existing data?

-The density of targets on the sky. Can the sample be sparse-sampled?

-Sky coverage of targets. Is it important that the selection be uniform over the whole survey footprint? Does it need to be tiled? Are there specific regions of the sky in which one needs to target?

We need these quite soon: as was discussed at the SDSS collaboration meeting last week, we need to finalize a number of aspects of the AS2 survey, including the targetting of ancillary targets, in the next month. So we would like the documents (posted to by two weeks from today, i.e., April 16. One restriction to keep in mind is that we need to minimize the effect of cross-talk on the faint (g=22) targets in BOSS; in practice, this suggests that we can't target objects with fiber magnitude brighter than r~17.

Here are the ideas I have heard thus far for ancillary programs:

-Guinevere Kauffmann and Tim Heckman are interested in targetting luminous blue galaxies at all redshifts, to understand the evolution of luminous galaxies from z=0.7 to today.

-Paco Prada is interested in targetting bright galaxies, especially those not properly targetted as part of the main SDSS sample due to problems with the photometric pipeline. (This program may be affected by the bright limit on targets).

-There is interest in various SEGUE-related programs, such as spectroscopically targetting some of the high-density lumps in the Milky Way, or targetting a sparse sample of BHB stars uniformly across the survey area. The SEGUE team, and David Hogg, are interested in pursuing this.

-Bob Nichol, Daniel Thomas and Claudia Maraston are interested in high S/N spectroscopy of nearby ellipticals for detailed star formation history/metallicity studies.

-Xiaohui Fan is interested in various high-redshift quasar studies, including: -A complete i-band dropout survey -Going fainter in z>4 quasars than the main SDSS survey -Targetting quasar candidates that were missed due to fiber collisions, to study the small-scale clustering of quasars

-Changbom Park is interested in targetting satellite companions of low-redshift galaxies to study halo dynamics and the properties of low-luminosity galaxies.

It is not too late to add to this list!

-Michael Strauss

추천 : 0, 조회 : 315

코멘트 1 | 첨부파일 1 추천 | 신고

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2007-04-19 12:19:37