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e-Print archive ¹Ì·¯: ¼­¿ï´ë
ADS ¹Ì·¯: Çѱ¹Ãµ¹®¿¬

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square03_green.gif Foreign Data bases and On-line Journals

square03_orange_1.gif Pre-print Services

Astrophysical Journal Letters(ApJL)
Papers Submitted to Selected Astronomical Publications
Asstronomy and Astrophysics(A&A)
E-preprint server that mirrors sissa in Yukawa Institute
Automated e-preprint archives on xxx : Here are preprints on High Enegy Physics, Condensed Matter, Astrophysics, General Relativity & Quantum Cosmology, Nuclear Theory, Chemical Physics, High Energy Physics, Superconductivity, Plasma Physics, Atomic & Molecular & Optical Physics etc.
Mirror page of Automated e-preprint archives on SNU
E-preprint server on the princeton university
E-preprints of STScI
E-preprint server on the UC Berkeyley
E-preprint server on the CFA
Automated e-preprint archives on xyz servicing on Nonlinear Chaotic Science : Here are preprints on Chaotic Dynamics, Pattern Formation & Soliton etc. ..
STScI/HST Pictures
3B Burst Catalog Table
ADS(Astrophysics Data System)

square03_orange_1.gif Observations and Archive Data

Digital Sky Survey at STSCI
Hubble Space Telescope Archive Data
International Astronomical Union
ROSAT Scientific Data Center at MPE
ROSAT at Goddard Space Flight Center
The ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue (RASS-BSC, revision 1RXS) has been released.
Weather Forecast from Korea Meteological Administration

square03_orange_1.gif On-line Journals

American Astronomical Society
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Publications of Astronomical Society of the Pacific(PASP)
Sky & Telescope
Scientific American
New Scientist
Be Star Newsletter
CERN Preprint Server(since 1994)
Astronomical Journal(AJ)
BTL Publishing/Armagh Planetarium
Astronomy Now
Monthly Notice of Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
New Astronomy
Astronomy Book and Software Reviews
Astrophysical Journal(ApJ)
Astrophysical Journal Letters(ApJL)
Astrophysical Journal Supplement(ApJS)
ApJ Yellow Pages
Computers in Physics

square03_orange_1.gif Etc.

ADS(Astrophysics Data System)
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers
Arizona Astronomy Camp
Comet Observation
Gettysburg College/Project CLEA
STScI/HST Pictures
3B Burst Catalog Table
The Web Nebulae
Ancient Astronomy Resource Center
Astro Browse
CCD Images of Galaxies
CCD Images of Messier Objects
Lunar and Planetary Institute
SETI Institute
Space Telescope Science Institute
U.S. Geological Survey
NASA WWW Astronomy Services
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment
Astronomical WWW Resources
APS Catalog of POSS I

square03_orange_1.gif Anonymous FTP Sites

Air Force Institute of Technology
Finnish University
American Astronomical Society
Anglo-Australian Telescope
European Southern Observatory
Space Telescope Science Institute
Univ. of Arizona SEDS
Univ. of Porto, Portugal
European Space Agency
Gettysburg College
Grove Creek Observatory
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Ames Research Center
NASA Headquarters
NASA Johnson Space Center
Univ. of Oregon

square03_green.gif News Groups

Uuencoded CCD images and scanned photographs and discussion
Discussion of planetary sciences
General astronomy discussion and information
Discussion and information geared toward amateurs, rather than professionals
Discussion of the FITS data format
Observing schedules and information about the Hubble Space Telescope
Discussion focusing on astronomy education and planetariums
Discussion regarding professional research
Space-related news announcements
Discussion of space policy and governments
Discussion of space and planetary science
Discussion of the Space Shuttle program
Discussion of technical aspects of space research